Original name: Yarinaoshi Reijou wa Ryuutei Heika wo Kouryakuchuu
Logographic name: やり直し令嬢は竜帝陛下を攻略中
English name: The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor
Russian name: На этот раз одержи победу над императором драконов, благородная девушка!
Alternative name: The Returnee Noble Lady Attacks His Majesty the Dragon Emperor / Win Over the Dragon Emperor This Time Around / Noble Girl! / Yarinaoshi Reijou wa Ryuutei Heika o Kouryakuchuu
Aired: 9. 10. 2024 - 25. 12. 2024
Episodes: 12
Minutes per episode: 25 minutes
Total time: 5 hours
Total views: 1925
Viewed this week: 23
Viewed this month: 78